Saturday, 25 June 2011

S.B. - The Strip. Chapter 4

Sorry, late again! I forgot all about it because I was working on part 2 of Night Light… That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

So, here's my dialogue-less, pencilly kinky goodness: S.B.



To Be Continued…

OK, thanks for viewing. Come on back, y'all, hear?

Peace Out!

Saturday, 18 June 2011

S.B. - The Strip. Chapter 3 [updated]

Hi, again, kids!

Part three of the current comic! Yay! I know you've all been dying to read more. And you've all been DYING to leave comments by clicking to leave a comment below. Right???!

Just click on the word 'Comments' and you will be presented with a box in which to put them. It's THAT easy! Go on, now!

Anyway, not much to blather on about this week. It's Saturday and I'm putting the comic up on time, for a change! Yay! So cast your eyes below (no, not down THERE, you pervert!) and read part 3 of "S.B." - enjoy!

UPDATE: OK, so it seems, somehow, that the wrong pages went up and you had a repeat of last week. I don't know how the kcuf that happened but it's one of those annoying little bitches which plague my life on Earth.
So, while I go and smash some things in compensation, please enjoy the PROPER part 3 of:


To Be Continued…

Comments / feedback, suggestions, requests, chit-chat all welcome.

Peace out!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Pussy Galore!

No, 'Pussy Galore' does not refer to a James Bond picture being uploaded. I started experimenting with 'digital' art. Creating a picture from scratch using photoshop instead of pencil and ink.

I figured I'd be able to, as I'd once managed a pretty decent face using only Microsoft Paint - which is incredibly shit.

I think it was a couple years ago that I had my first real go at this kind of art, creating a picture of a landscape and the SDF-1 from Robotech or Macross. However, I can't find that picture now and it may have been deleted when my laptop broke down. Damn!

Still, this one is better! From the pages of Batman comes: CATWOMAN!

As ever, comment, subscribe, request, cannibalise your family tree, etc, etc. Well… most of those.

Peace out!

Saturday, 11 June 2011

S.B. - The Strip. Chapter 2

Hi, all!
Busy day, yesterday, working on scripts with a friend. So, I'm uploading the next comic TODAY. OK, it's a bit late in the day but… came down with a case of serious 'CBFitis'.

Anyhow, here now, duckies!

The second installment of  S.B. is below. This is my 'silent' epic, as there is no dialogue. You have to discern the story from the images, so it's a good challenge for my art and for your understanding. But, really, just sit back and read the story and enjoy it. Hopefully you will be so involved that you will 'fill in the silent blanks' yourself. Yay.

I advise you to read last week's chapter first as it is serialised. It is also very 'free-form' - no ruled panels and such. Just the power of pencil and heart to form some nifty sketchings. Go and enjoy!


To Be Continued…

Let me know what you think, make requests of what you want to see (I have plenty of artwork to upload). I'll put something a little different up during the week, provided I have time. Something to put a bit more colour onto the page. :-)

Subscribe, comment, enjoy!

Peace Out!

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Colourful Nightmares!

Hi, all!

I hope you have been enjoying the staggering brilliance that is my work. OK, I probably haven't even put my best stuff up, yet. But that's a matter of opinion, perhaps.


Aaanyway, today I'll put up some character design work for an idea I had to do an animation of the un-made Doctor Who story "The Nightmare Fare", starring (or would have done) Colin Baker as the Doctor and Nicola Bryant as Peri and probably with Michael Gough as the Celestial Toymaker.

Let me know what you think, y'all!

Enjoy and, as ever, give me some feedback, ideas, suggestions, requests, love, other things best left unmentioned in print…

Peace out!

Saturday, 4 June 2011

S.B. - The Strip. Chapter 1

OK, peeps!

Here's my original character in my original story all done by my original self. As described in a previous post (or two) this is pencil work and some of it is more rough around the edges than the rest.

As I was doodling the first scene on the bus (or wherever the hell I was) I thought "actually, I'll keep going and flesh it out, see where it goes". What you see is completely unscripted and evolves all on its own as I draw. This is how I used to work and I love it!

This is a character and a story I've been wanting to do for a while and is probably my most drawn figure when I feel inspired to sketch (so you may see a few scenes featuring this character up on display now and again, outside the comic). The character revealed itself to me in a vision one night and has never left me alone since then. His story started to come to me, and so developed the plot and other characters and I knew that the story would become a series of graphic novels. So, when my plans to create a comic publishing company started a couple of years ago, I knew this was a story I would do very soon into it. Not right away, but soon! I hope. :-P

Now, what you will read each week is not what is going to be in the graphic novels. Not exactly, anyway. The art will be all new and the story structured differently and probably in full colour (and, at least, inked).

What is about to follow is in pencil only and contains NO dialogue (well, except one word which prompted me to stop and decide not to put anything further in). It's a bit of an experiment and will be a great test of my art and storytelling abilities to see what the audience gets out of it. To a certain degree, there is room for the readers to get their own story out of it. But I hope you are able to follow what I've put down and really hope you can get something out of it.

For this comic I ESPECIALLY would appreciate feedback, comments and anything else you have to give. Please comment, subscribe and enjoy!

(You may need to open the pages in separate tabs / windows or click on them to view larger versions, as they may be a bit unclear and small so that they fit on the page.)


To Be Continued…

Let me know what you think! And come back next week as the story unfolds further and in stranger ways!

Peace out!

Friday, 3 June 2011

2 New Posts Today! Rejoice!

Rejoice, O ye faithful followers!

I think there may even be two of you!

First up, I've been posting that the third Slappy The Sensorite comic would be put up. Um… apparently not, as the scan of it is not on my hard drive. I'm sure it exists, though! It just means I'll have to go hunting for it. Eek!

Sorry, guys, no Slappy today. I know you'll all be crushed. Totally my bad.

However, I'm still going to do two posts, so here's a picture for the Who fans to make amends for Slappy's shyness today.

OK - heeeeeeeeeere's GLITZY!

Sabalom Glitz, as portrayed by Tony Selby and featured in the Doctor Who stories "The Trial Of A Time Lord" and "Dragonfire".
OK, that's that. The second post is my original strip and will probably be sitting on top of this post which should come first, but hey - life's a cunt like that. Yep, I said "cunt". Deal with it.

Feedback and comments always appreciated, folks! Talk to me!

Peace out!

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Something New…

OK, I've had no time to really do anything this past week, and the last weekend flew by before I could sit down and really nut Night Light out further.


Meh. Anyway, whilst doing my regular wanderings on busses and things I have devoted any spare collection of minutes I get to working on an original strip. It's one I've had in mind for years, and I started sketching out one scene which I knew would probably open the story. Well, I did that. And kept going.

So far, I've got about 2 installments completed. Now, this strip is quite 'rough' and there are no ruled panels and such. It's deliberately staying 'hand-drawn' and on 'impulse'. It has not been scripted, but I know where it needs to go.

Also, I've decided to avoid adding dialogue. This way, you really have to read into it. It'll be a great test to see if my images get a story across without the crutch of narrative text. I'll post the first installment up on the weekend, along with the third installment of Slappy The Sensorite. That'll be TWO new comics for you to read, my beloved fans!

SB will be a bit of a test. The story proper is going to become a graphic novel and will be re-drawn and re-structured for that. But this 'strip' version will be a good tester. I would LOVE feedback and comments on this one, guys.

Until the weekend, here's something else for you to drool over. G'on, you know you love it!

I'm still waiting for someone to give me some REQEUSTS! If there's something you want to see me do (Here! No lewd comments from you!) tell me in a comment.


Peace out!