Tuesday, 12 April 2011

The Next Big Thing

OK, so new blog.

Haven't touched my LJ in over a year, but SURE, I'll start a new one.

Actually, this will probably end up showing my creative stuffings. Maybe I'll put up some comics as I get around to them.

Anyone has any suggestion of ANYTHING they want to see me put up (art works, possibly vids, song, stories) I'll see what I can come up with.

Anyway, don't be shy! Talk to me.

If you like the comics and artworks idea that's super easy for me. Now-and-then I work on some Doctor Who comics, so I'd be happy to put old ones up until I have time to finish what I was last working on.

Otherwise, I'm working on my own stuff, and this could be just the place to test them. Message me and let me know if you want to see anything and be my test audience. Yay!



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