Saturday, 28 May 2011

Procrastination Fascination! Slappy The Sensorite Comic #2.

OK. Yeah. So, I'm not putting Night Light up, yet. I'm not even confident about next Saturday. The artwork is done. In pencil. I've scripted part two, now, and have been procrastinating over part 3 all day today.

Scanning is an issue, at the moment as they are such large pages. So I'll have to scan each pages in 2 or 3 sections and match them up (so much work) or take a digital photo of them (so lame). If I scan, I can try scanning as "black and white" and they might look like they've been inked already! Sigh, no. Probably not. I'll probably just print them out and trace in ink onto a new page. Which means I can use the digital camera to transfer it to computer initially.
Then I can either print a 'faded' version of the work to ink directly, or just print a proper copy and ink onto a new sheet. Man, I miss the days when I was blasé enough to ink straight away and skip penciling. I just feel like I'm going over the same think, again and again. Grr. Does someone want to collaborate? Please??? Anyone???!!!


OK, it'll come soon enough. Here's something to go on with:

"Slappy The Sensorite" created by H. Woods. Doctor Who is copyright BBC and Sensorites were created by  Peter R Newman. So there.
Ciao for now. Probably more Slappy on Saturday so that I can make more progress on the overall Night Light comic. Unless you demand it sooner.

You need to contact me to do that. Leave comments, feedback or requests. Don't be shy, y'all!

Peace out!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Delayed Pleasure

OK, so I lied! I didn't post yesterday, as is my regular thing. But I was busy having a life. No, really. It's Sunday night and I have just now finished the penciled artwork for Doctor Who: Night Light - Part One. Yay.

More to do, though. :-(

Anyway, Saturday was busy spent in very good company, so I don't apologise for not posting. So there!

However, to make up I will post two things! First up is an animation I made in 2007 of one of my original characters. It is a short, comedic version of a moment in this superhero's life. Well, OK, he's not so much super and maybe is really a hero by accident… Never mind! It's made and played for laughs. I hope you enjoy "the Big Bad Me!" - let me know what you think, because he's proper story will be published. I'm working on the pencil work at the moment, as well as some scripts. I have 6 issues planned, at this stage.

Following Me is a Doctor Who related 'funny' (or, rather, 'silly') which I can't remember for certain if it was published in the fanzine I worked on 10 years ago. May have been. I had completed three of them, so here is the first.

The rest of these Doctor Who 'funnies' will be printed on the 'in-between' weeks where Night Light is not being put up. Something tells me I will have to do a lot more funnies, soon. :-S

Anyway, please let me know what you think of these and if you would like to see more of either. I may put up some teaser work for The Big Bad Me! if you like. Enjoy.

The Big Bad Me! is the creation of and copyright of Harley Woods. "Grimefighting" is copyright Harley Woods 2007.

Doctor Who is copyright BBC. The Sensorites were created by Peter R. Newman.

Peace Out!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Counting Down…

Counting down until the next main update tomorrow. Yeah, I will definitely probably upload on time tomorrow. This time. Absolutely possibly maybe.


Meanwhile here's something to muse on or fornicate over or appreciate dryly.

Somewhat inspired by Witchblade but with my own twist to it. Partly organic, partly armour, partly screwed up.

Enjoy. Peace out, y'all.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Booty Call!

Hi, y'all.

Here are more wonders from the cavernous cornucopia of creative contemplations spewed forth from my mind to my hand to the computer to your eyes for your viewing pleasure.

Comment, subscribe, request, adore, as each time before.

This is artwork for Cellblock Booty, a play created, concocted and performed by Sisters Grimm, an off-beat Melbourne theatre group. The play was brilliant, as all of their productions seem to be.

I highly recommend people go to see any of their productions if you hear about them. They have been known to perform outside of Melbourne, too, so don't fret! I believe they are on MySpace, too, so go check them out!

Peace out!

Saturday, 14 May 2011

DOCTOR WHO: COVEN - part four - Finalé

Okay! So, I'm late!

But I've been so busy drawing the next Doctor Who comic that I forgot to upload yesterday. Well, I remembered at one stage, when I sat down to do the comics. But jobs around the home got in the way and I only got one page drawn, in the end. One page and no uploads. One page, no uploads, and still not ginger…

Whoops, no, never mind. Not ginger. I eat ginger, not wear it. Aaaanyway…

Below is the conclusion to Doctor Who: Coven. The next Doctor Who comic with be, as I've previously noted, an 8th Doctor comic entitled Night Light. It has a few shout-outs from the past and will eventually be part of a much bigger story, of which Coven is also a part. But all that will come in time.

Night Light won't be ready for another couple of weeks. I want to put part one up once I've made some progress on part two, which I haven't even begun beyond scene breakdowns. I suspect this story will end up quite large, but I guess we'll find out soon enough. At some point I'll need time to work on other stuff, too. I only have a very little time to myself each week (about an hour a day, apart from weekends).

However, until Night Light is put up I will still provide viewing entertainment. As noted in the last post, I may put an animation up for you next week. Maybe an animation and a short comic. I'll put short comics up every Saturday that doesn't have an installment of Night Light.

Anyway, enough of the tomorrows and back to the right now. Or, the right now that should have been yesterday. Or something.

Below is the final installment of Doctor Who: Coven. This features the 6th Doctor, as portrayed by Colin Baker and pits the Time Lord against a gang of blood-drinkers with some high-tech interests.

Doctor Who is copyright of the BBC and no profit is made from this comic. It is independently produced for entertainment (hopefully) purposes, only.


As ever, leave feedback, comments, suggestions of what you would like to see up… Subscribe! Go on… you know you want to!

Peace out!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

A Little Filler…

I'm busy working, but felt the need to update.

This Saturday brings the final installment of Doctor Who: Coven. The promised follow-on, Doctor Who: Night Light, featuring the 8th Doctor, probably won't be up for a fortnight following that.

I'm judging the logistics of how much I have to do and will be cramming this weekend to get part one done to my satisfaction. But I doubt it will be enough time, hence the 'fortnight' announcement. Judging by the amount of work involved, it looks like each part of Night Light will be about a fortnight apart - UNLESS SOMEONE WANTS TO HELP WITH INKING! Hint hint!

Depending on how I go this weekend, I may even give Night Light a 3-week delay, just so I can get on top of it a bit better and try to be a chapter ahead of loading. We will see.

But fear not, faithful followers! Or, you other guys, too. I will be placing something up each week, at least on the Saturday, if not in between. I think I have a couple of Doctor Who related things I can throw up between chapters of the next comic. Also, I will upload an animation or two (if I can dig them up). I have an original animation I can post anytime, actually, but I'm saving that for the gap-period.

Just so I know you're getting something of worth each weekend. Well, that's how I describe it, anyway. Ha!

Anyway, here's a little something to put up for today. Just because.

Peace out!

Monday, 9 May 2011

More Art - A Legit Post, This Time!

OK, I feel so ashamed for that last post that I'm putting something worthwhile up. This time it's not Doctor Who - probably a great sigh of relief for some (Chris) and a disappointment to others (the world).

As ever, comment, subscribe, tell people about me, love me, recommend me or recommend to me! Request away!


Death Zone Statistics

Okay, so I'm obsessed with checking the stats on this blog. Everyday I log-in, hoping someone has looked. I've had 50 or so in the past month (which is about as long as I've had this blog going). It's OK - not great; not bad.

I decided to look at the graph to show the stats of all my visitors and I made an amazing discovery! I was watch by the Rani in her TARDIS from the Death Zone on Gallifrey! Can you believe it??!

Here's the picture to prove it!
As you can see, to the extreme left is the Rani's TARDIS. To the right is the mountain range surrounding the Death Zone! Oooooh! Spooky!

OK, this is a pointless post for Doctor Who fans, and I'm ashamed of myself for stooping to this level. Forgive me. Or, if you hate me, tell me so in some comments and let me know what you'd rather see!

Do it! Now! Go!


Peace out.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Doctors Ten

To keep with the Doctor Who themes I've had going strong since the start of this blog I'll put up a little something extra today which keeps along those lines (but I do have other, original things!):

A pencil sketch of the Ten Doctors! Enjoy.

Yeah, it's a bit rough but it was just a bit of fun from a while ago. As ever, feedback and requests are welcome. Or just contact me for a chat. I don't bite… Or maybe I do!

Peace out.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

DOCTOR WHO: COVEN - part three

Sorry I didn't upload this first thing in the morning but it completely slipped my mind. But it is still within the 'weekly' limit I gave myself.

Work is proceeding on my 8th Doctor comic - I've been busily doing pencil roughs for the extended Part One. You've seen some snippets of the original Part One in the posting a few days ago. It was only days, right...? Feels like forever! Anyway, that original work is only 4 pages long and not a lot happens, so I hurriedly wrote 8 more pages and now slightly more happens. Ha ha. I'm hoping to make the rest of the story a bit more pacey and concise (so long as it doesn't sacrifice any plotting or character work). Silly me had plans turn the story into a TV script. I've finally gotten off my rollercoaster of hopeless ideas and brought it back to the printed page. Ish.

Well, I haven't changed the story - it works as is. The test will be transferring it to the comic medium. I haven't written the story beyond a scene breakdown and I'm sure that it can be made into a comic without much difficulty. But you can all let me know as it goes along!

Yes, as ever I would LOVE you to give me feedback! Suggestions! Requests! Money! Adoration! Work as a performer or writer or artist! OK, I'll settle for toy-boy or hooker. Needs must. Until then, keep checking in. I'll be adding sneak-peaks and other bits n pieces throughout the week, leading up to the final chapter of "Coven" next Saturday.

After that I shall, hopefully, be able to upload Doctor Who: Night Light part one the following week. No idea how many parts it will end up as, and the page count will be much longer. All praise the BBC for giving us Doctor Who so that I can waste every spare moment I have doing this for you all! Ha ha. I'm sure it'll pay-off down the line.

OK, onto the penultimate chapter of my 6th Doctor strip. I apologise for the quality of these, especially this chapter. I no longer have the original pages in my possession so I'm settling for scans of the pages of the magazine they were included in! This chapter I particularly notice the quality of the printing, but hopefully you just love it all TOO MUCH to notice. Hmm… maybe I shouldn't have pointed it out. Ho hum.

Here 'tis! Doctor Who: Coven - part three…

Come back next week for the conclusion!

Again, check back during the week for assorted other tid-bits. And leave me some feedback! Don't be shy, y'all!

Peace out!