Sunday, 22 May 2011

Delayed Pleasure

OK, so I lied! I didn't post yesterday, as is my regular thing. But I was busy having a life. No, really. It's Sunday night and I have just now finished the penciled artwork for Doctor Who: Night Light - Part One. Yay.

More to do, though. :-(

Anyway, Saturday was busy spent in very good company, so I don't apologise for not posting. So there!

However, to make up I will post two things! First up is an animation I made in 2007 of one of my original characters. It is a short, comedic version of a moment in this superhero's life. Well, OK, he's not so much super and maybe is really a hero by accident… Never mind! It's made and played for laughs. I hope you enjoy "the Big Bad Me!" - let me know what you think, because he's proper story will be published. I'm working on the pencil work at the moment, as well as some scripts. I have 6 issues planned, at this stage.

Following Me is a Doctor Who related 'funny' (or, rather, 'silly') which I can't remember for certain if it was published in the fanzine I worked on 10 years ago. May have been. I had completed three of them, so here is the first.

The rest of these Doctor Who 'funnies' will be printed on the 'in-between' weeks where Night Light is not being put up. Something tells me I will have to do a lot more funnies, soon. :-S

Anyway, please let me know what you think of these and if you would like to see more of either. I may put up some teaser work for The Big Bad Me! if you like. Enjoy.

The Big Bad Me! is the creation of and copyright of Harley Woods. "Grimefighting" is copyright Harley Woods 2007.

Doctor Who is copyright BBC. The Sensorites were created by Peter R. Newman.

Peace Out!

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