Thursday, 6 September 2012

Procrastination IS An Art Form!

Yup... So...

I'm sure my last post (waaaay back... when?) probably said something preposterous like "I'll upload something shortly" or "I've been SO busy working on marvelous creations for you that will be put on here soon" or "hamster meat doesn't repeat on you"...


I really haven't done much for a long time. Though, if I ever get around to scanning my work there will be stuff to put up.

I randomly felt super inspired to work further on my 8th Doctor comic strip a week ago and spent a rather large amount of time on that (when I should have been doing other things). But hey, my laptop had died and now I made it work again AND saved everything I thought I'd lost (well, almost everything) and it seemed like a good time start writing out the script a bit more.

With a little more time to spare I could get the whole script (or, at least, a scene breakdown) done in no time. That would be a could jump and may inspire me to do some more art.

I do find this a little frustrating as I feel like I'm repeating myself SO much... And I HATE to repeat myself. I come up with a story, flesh it out with a bunch of rough scene descriptions, then turn it into a scene-breakdown, then add dialogue to that to make it a full and proper scrip, then do the pencil roughs, then do the final pencils... Then I will have to ink it all, then scan it back to the computer to add colour (if I get that brave), time permitting.

So, I'll stop whinging and go back to work. I'm procrastinating from my employment, this time, not my art. I told you in the title: procrastination IS an art form.

Get back to you soon- er... eventually.


PS. You all should check out this great little website I found. Nice comics and super cute art by a couple of fans. I highly recommend it:

PPS. Did you like the colour-scheme?

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