Saturday 20 July 2013

Eye Of The Beholder

More photography!

Been going through my pictures and re-addressing the ones I'm most drawn to now.

Here's some of my work that I'm thinking of using…

 Not sure if this next one should be near…
 Or far…

And from nature to my balls… er, perhaps I should rephrase that…?

The following kind of have a 'modern art' feel; different takes on the same subject:

More webs, incorporating nature and the man-made entangled within it.
Man versus Nature - The Man-Made Web against the Spider's Web.

Well, that's all for now!

More soon. Peace out!

Tuesday 16 July 2013

"I Would've Waited An Eternity For This..."

A nice little Megatron quote in the title, assuming anyone out there knows what I'm referring to.

I know I said I'd add more, but... life and apathy get in the way.

That said, I actually have done some work on my eighth Doctor comic strip "Nightlight".

It has been plotted out in full, mostly scripted and part one's pencils have been completely done, with part two's pencils done out as roughs and part three's roughs almost completed. It is super difficult to find time, however. I hope to change that in the near future, but I do what I can, when I can.

There is plenty of artwork I could put up, but, again, time doesn't really permit with other priorities. Busy working on music and getting my life together and working on my novel. Hoping to make some moves on a few things in the near future!

In the meantime, here's some nice photography of mine. Enjoy.

Until next time, party on and be excellent to each other!